Bazooka Candy Pops

The cherry tastes just like a throat lozenge, which is great if you have a sore throat — which I currently do not.  And is the light menthol flavor actually coming from the lollipop, or is it merely in my head?  One star.

The grape isn’t nearly as bad — a little bit cough syrupy (am I sensing a theme here?), but I suppose that’s okay.  After all, Coca-Cola saw its beginnings in a drugstore.  One and a half stars.

Apple… OMG IT TASTES LIKE VOMIT!! D-:  One star.

orange… I’m sorry, but I can’t continue. o_O  (One star.)

I can’t speak for the lemon, because it wasn’t available.  I’m sure it tasted magnificent though… ::rolls eyes::

Very disappointing, especially since I happen to be a huge fan of Bazooka bubble gum.  (I can only assume there is a small blob in the center.)  Just WTF were they thinking, putting these things on the market?!  I had to gargle with SALT WATER to get rid of the awful taste!!